Change the Field of g and h to prime modulus from composite modulus.
Solve the DLP using pohlig-hellman attack.
Wrap it with flag format.
Challenge D L Poly Challenge Points : 676
Description RSA is easy. DLP is hard. Challenge files: out.txt.
Challenge Author: pyr0 Attachment - out.txt
given file By looking at this, we can say that the challenge is about polynomial DLP, as mentioned in the name D L Poly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 sage: p 35201 sage: len (flag) 14 sage: X = int .from_bytes( flag.strip(b'inctf{' ).strip(b'}' ) , 'big' ) sage: n 1629 *x^256 + 25086 *x^255 + 32366 *x^254 + ... + 16286 *x + 12050 sage: g x sage: g^X 10254 *x^255 + 11436 *x^254 + 9453 *x^253 + ... + 549 *x + 1468
We know the upper bound of X is 256^7
Factoring If we see the n
, we can notice that it is not a prime polynomial. It has many factors.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 sage: P.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(p)) ....: n = P(n) ....: list (n.factor()) ....: [(x^6 + 6522 *x^5 + 30239 *x^4 + ... + 8797 *x + 1288 , 1 ), (x^10 + 892 *x^9 + 21744 *x^8 + ... 7980 *x + 25558 ,1 ), (x^10 + 3448 *x^9 + 17391 *x^8 + ... 29448 *x + 5415 ,1 ), (x^10 + 4097 *x^9 + 21262 *x^8 + ... 1018 *x + 7369 ,1 ), . . . (x^10 + 25254 *x^9 + 1035 *x^8 + ... 20868 *x + 13941 ,1 ), (x^10 + 26554 *x^9 + 33072 *x^8 + ... 34044 *x + 34664 ,1 ), (x^10 + 34596 *x^9 + 19833 *x^8 + ... 28425 *x + 25916 ,1 ), (x^10 + 35044 *x^9 + 26290 *x^8 + ... 32131 *x + 4231 ,1 )]
So we can change the modulus to any of these factors of n, but if we notice phi for the polynomials having degree 10, it is factorable, and thus we can make a pohlig-hellman attack to recover X.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 phi = p^10 -1 P.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(p)) n = P(n) q = n.factor()[1 ][0 ] R.<x> = P.quotient(q) g = R(g) h = R(h)`
Now the ring of g and h is an irreducible polynomial, and we can perform a pohlig-hellman attack.
pohlighellman 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 def pohlighellman (g,y,p,phi ): factors = ecm.factor(phi) factors = { i : factors.count(i) for i in sorted (list (set (factors)))[2 :]} a,n = [],[] for q,e in factors.items(): x = 0 G = g^(phi//q) Y = y for i in range (e): h = Y^(phi//q**(i+1 )) X = discrete_log(h,G,ord = phi) assert X != None , f'Got None for brute{G,h,p} ' x += q^i*X Y = Y * g^-X a.append(x) n.append(q^e) x = crt(a,n) assert g^x == y return x
solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 load('given.sage' ) def pohlighellman (g,y,p,phi ): factors = ecm.factor(phi) factors = { i : factors.count(i) for i in sorted (list (set (factors)))[2 :]} a,n = [],[] for q,e in factors.items(): x = 0 G = g^(phi//q) Y = y for i in range (e): h = Y^(phi//q**(i+1 )) X = discrete_log(h,G,ord = phi) assert X != None , f'Got None for brute{G,h,p} ' x += q^i*X Y = Y * g^-X a.append(x) n.append(q^e) x = crt(a,n) assert g^x == y return x phi = p^10 -1 P.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(p)) n = P(n) q = n.factor()[1 ][0 ] R.<x> = P.quotient(q) g = R(g) h = R(h) X = pohlighellman(g,h,p,phi) flag = b'inctf{' +int .to_bytes(int (X),6 ,'big' )+b'}' assert flag == b'inctf{bingo!}'
Conclusion Polynomials are easy to break even if they have a large order than integer order.
I hope you enjoyed the challenge!